Sunday, December 10, 2006


Do Lake trustees think putting smiley face on landfill will make tons of toxins vanish?

The Canton Repository

PLAIN TOWNSHIP -Regarding “EPA review indicates IEL site getting cleaner” (Nov. 17): So, the U.S. EPA, in its five-year review of the Industrial Excess Landfill Superfund Site, relying upon polluter-generated data, has once again declared the noncleanup of allowing rainfall to flush the toxic waste into the area’s aquifer to be working — just nine chemicals found, with only three toxins exceeding the federal drinking water limits. Golly, could it be that the list of chemicals has been reduced because key wells have been sealed that previously showed the most contamination, including radiation?

Once again, the Lake Township trustees put a smiley face on the dump with Ellis Erb’s declaration, “I’m happy it’s about over.” What’s over? Is Mr. Erb suggesting the thousands of tons of toxins have vanished, or the canisters that were buried by the Army have been secretly removed? Is he “happy” if the toxins are being carried away from the site in the rapid groundwater movement to possibly become someone else’s problem?

The story said that “Erb anticipated a favorable report and discounted Borello as a spokesperson against the site.” Does this mean Mr. Erb is “for” this leaking toxic waste site, for the sickness we believe it has caused and may still cause without a real cleanup?

As usual, it needs to be asked: Why is it that Lake Township Trustees’ comments concerning IEL are not reported with the qualifier that the township has been listed as a potential third-party defendant with the Army and others for cleanup costs? Without this acknowledgment, readers may not understand there are skeletons in the township’s closet concerning IEL that could involve liability.

We urge interested citizens to check out our Web site to review new information recently obtained via experts/grant work at: index.htm.